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    Parts & supply chain solutions for machinery manufacturers in agriculture, garden & park and civil engineering

    Best of both worlds

    Wholly-owned production capacity in China, easily managed from the Netherlands

    The right product, the right quality, at the right time. This is the challenge you need to overcome to keep a firm grip on your production processes. And that's where AWON assists you. We offer the best of both worlds. Our own strategically located 18,000 m2 production facility in China, a mature ecosystem of carefully selected and reputable suppliers that we started to build and expand in 2008, plus 7,000 m2 of dedicated storage. In addition, AWON has developed a network of strategic partners to further optimise its logistics services within the Netherlands and in Europe, and to transport your products from China to Europe.


    AWON Netherlands

    • Doing business in China through Dutch contacts
    • Storage, transshipment and distribution from a 7,000 m2 warehouse in Waalwijk
    • More than 17 years of experience in production and logistics
    • Full control over all the links in the supply chain, including quality management

    AWON China

    • Modern, wholly-owned, 18,000 m2 production and storage site
    • Strategically located in Jiangsu Province near Shanghai
    • High-quality ecosystem of reputable suppliers
    • Over 150 in-house engineers and production staff
    Awon voorgevel

    About AWON

    Machinery manufacturers and technical wholesalers face major challenges. A lack of qualified engineering professionals and technicians and rising costs increasingly stand in the way of ambitious growth objectives. There are more than enough opportunities, but the situation in the European (labour) market makes grasping and exploiting those opportunities a difficult task. AWON helps you by providing guaranteed production capacity in China, including complete supply chain solutions. Arranged easily and conveniently from the Netherlands.


    Is the factory in China truly Dutch-owned, or is it a strategic partnership?

    The production site in China is 100% Dutch-owned and is also managed from the Netherlands. The company is locally led by a Chinese director who graduated in the Netherlands and was subsequently trained by AWON Netherlands itself.

    Why does AWON produce in China?

    First of all, all the necessary resources are abundantly available on-site: sufficient skilled employees, the right materials, modern machines and tools, qualified suppliers, and a good work ethic, which together ensure that we perform well and, if desired, are even capable of exceptional achievements for you.

    Secondly, because for European companies, it is often a financially attractive option to outsource their design process, production, assembly, and/or service to AWON, simply because many costs are lower in China. In addition, AWON also has a corporate structure that ensures optimal and completely legal use is made of international financial legislation.

    China does not always have a good reputation for quality; is that justified?

    Yes and no. If you want to get something for next to nothing, you can certainly find suppliers in China for that, but then you can't set high demands on quality. This image of producing inferior goods unfairly overshadows what is also available: companies that indeed deliver good and high-quality products, still at a competitive price. AWON belongs to this latter category. We have a team of highly committed colleagues in both the Netherlands and China who, by European standards, are focused on quality every day and proactively think along with you as a customer.

    To perform their work professionally, they naturally have access to all the necessary tools to measure or test the quality of the produced items, from a colorimeter to advanced 3D measuring equipment, and to report on this in writing.